My First Performance

The first time I ever performed the drums was at my grade 6 talent show. I believe it was the first time my school had a run a talent show, or maybe I only remember it that way because it was the first year I had a talent I was excited to show off! It was 2003 and I was a huge fan of Blink-182, Sum 41 and Green Day. My friend and I decided that we should do our own rendition of Brain Stew by Green Day. It was pretty Metal. My sister feels the need to always remind me that without a singer the song is extremely boring and repetitive, to which I respond, you were in grade three and your dance routine was equally amateur. We are siblings, we keep each other humble!

This was my first experience going through the motions of a performing drummer. I loaded up my 5 piece, blue Westbury kit into my parents car to relocate to the school. Accessing a loading door is all to familiar now. I remember setting up my kit backstage and having the other kids asking me a lot of questions about the kit, to which I knew very little but Iā€™m sure I still spoke with pride. I remember feeling like such a Rock Star. When we performed I remember not being nervous and just having so much fun. After the talent show so many kids and parents told me how cool it was and it was at that moment I knew that would not be my last performance.

I loved the schlep, the adrenaline, the post performance high and performing with a friend. It may have been 17 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday!
