Wow, what a summer! This past summer was the busiest CRASH has ever been! We did 72 workshops and 8 performances ranging from our hometown of Burlington all the way to Lake of Bays. We did our regular bucket drumming program, our teen program, Junk Kit building as well as festivals parades and conferences. It was jam packed and I loved every second of it.
One of the more commonly asked questions I get is, “do you ever get bored doing the same thing over and over again?” And even though I did do 3 different types of workshops throughout the summer, the reason why I love it and the reason why it never gets boring is because I get to meet different kids every time. The kids keep it interesting and I love answering their questions and using their ideas in songs. For that reason every workshop is different and I look forward to every single one!
As the summer came to an end, I have another adventure to take on. My largest studio yet! I am now taking on 33 students weekly, while still visiting schools and doing Junk Line gigs. Non stop music and fun! I always think about what my mom has told me when I ask her “did you ever see me doing something like this when I was a kid?'“. Her response has been “there were many things you wanted to be but the one thing that always stayed the same was you wanted a job that was different every day and was centred around music”. I can definitely check that off the bucket list.